Monday, December 16, 2013

More tips for a productive and enjoyable winter break...

Hey guys!

I know some of you might be taking winter classes but here are some fun things to do over the winter break!

1. Make a goal. Pick something that you can do in a month!

2. Create Your Own Winter Wonderland. Make hot cocoa or bake your favorite cookies and then watch your favorite movies together with friends!

3. Practice Random Acts of Kindness. Think about how you can surprise someone with an act of kindness. Maybe you buy the next person in line their lunch or you shovel your neighbor’s driveway. Get creative and let us know what you do!

4. Spend Quality With You Family. Sit and talk to your family and spend a day with them!

5. Create a Photo Collage. Take fun pics of you and your friends and create your own collage or memory book.

6. Pretend Your a Tourist in Your Hometown. Is there a place you’ve always wanted to check out and haven’t visited yet?

7. Write yourself a letter! Then look at it next winter break...this is a great way to reflect on your goals and accomplishments.

8. Create Your Own Spa! Whether you’re alone or you have a few friends join you, do your nails, give yourself a pedicure, and maybe try a mud mask on your face!

9. Movie Marathon with a Twist! Create your own movie marathon with your friends (and don’t forget the popcorn)! Either pick a theme for the night and have everyone bring a movie that goes with that theme, or ask each friend to bring their all time favorite movie and then at the end of the night vote on the group’s favorite!

10. Pick One Day to Recharge and Relax! If you’re break is feeling really crazy and busy from travel, visiting others, work, or other things, try to find one day that is just for you where you can relax, sleep, or do anything else that makes you smile!

11.Learn something new! Maybe you can learn how to cook a new dish or start a new hobby!

Clear your mind before the spring semester! Enjoy your break!

Thank you,

Salma Waheed

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