Wednesday, February 26, 2014

5 Healthy Meals for Broke Commuters

UMBC is considered a university with a large population of commuters. Commuters with long commutes from home to school, busy back to back classes, who may not have much  money to get anything into their stomachs. Commuters usually have to wait for a very long time just to eat. There are many choices to choose from, but it sucks watching your money going from $8 to $5 worth of food that probably won't fill you up (or satisfy you). Yes there is the Yum Shop for quick meals, but think how much money you are spending (constantly) and the limited meal options. There is also going off campus to get food somewhere cheaper, but when you come back to campus there is no parking! Eating 3 meals a day is important and it helps us, students get through the day; especially if they are healthy meals that you could bring from home. So here below are 5 healthy delicious meals that will fill you up, save the same amount you would spend at the Yum Shop, and spice up your everyday lunch! Click the link below to check them  out!


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