Thursday, February 20, 2014

Back to Business

Have you been enjoying the snow days? The time away from classes? If you are saying no, you are not the only one... With all the snow we have been receiving, UMBC hasn't seen this many delays and cancellations of school since Snowmagedon 4 years ago. But even with all the snow we have been seeing, we need to remember winter break is over. Hopefully, the bad case of procrastination hasn't taken over in our 3-4day weekends and you're not trying to play the bad game of "catch-up". Here's 4 of my study tips to stay focused, be productive and get back into the swing of things:
  1. Go to Class! - Attend class and participate as much as possible. This will help your professor know your face and know that you are putting forth effort in their class. Taking notes on what the professor writes on the board AND what he/she says in class may be key components on your next exam. If you have to miss class due to unforeseen circumstances have a buddy copy notes and collect any worksheets for you.
  2. Keep organized - Set a schedule of due dates and exams. With your daily schedule set aside time to study. When you study do not overwhelm yourself with material, but study subject by subject. I've learned a 50/10 role that personally helps me stay on focus. 50 minutes of work (and I mean real work), 10 minutes of pleasure.
  3. Ask for Help - A professor would rather you approach them the 4th week of school rather than the week before finals. Visit office hours. Talk to your TAs. Visit the LRC, Math Lab and Writing Center. Form a tutoring appointment in the RLC. Join a study group. Utilize your resources!
  4. Believe in Yourself! - Breathe. There are only 15 weeks in a semester. Don't categorize yourself with the performance of other students in your class. Figure out what works for you and stick to it. Eat right, sleep well, and stay active. In order to keep your brain smart, you have to keep your body smart.

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