Monday, February 24, 2014

Go do something for you!

Well here we are, a month into the spring semester. Things are getting more real and a bit more stressful as the days go by but don't get lost in the stress of the day. Remember that you need a fun outlet that gives you the chance to relax and enjoy the little things. When you don't do the little things that make you happy then you run into problems of being stressed out and may result in sleeping problems or not eating well. Your health and well-being are of the utmost importance and you should cherish every moment you spend doing the things you love or being around people that you love. Some things that help me de-stress are drawing, writhing poetry and dancing. Even taking a long hot shower at the end of a long day could be a form of therapy. Find what you love and commit to doing it at least once a week. Happy trails and good luck everyone!

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