Monday, December 1, 2014

Time of reflection

Every now and then you have to take time out of your busy schedule to reflect on the things you've done well so far and the things you need to improve on. Now that the semester is coming to an end this would probably be the best time to sit down and reflect on your accomplishments and short comings of the semester. Think about all the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the semester. Have you accomplished them all? Have you accomplished at lease one of your goals? If you've accomplished them all that's great, but if you haven't accomplished many or any at all that's ok too. It's not about spreading yourself thin trying to accomplish unrealistic goals, it's about making the effort to better yourself overall. Take the time you need to self reflect and think about what you did and what you could do better for the next semester to come. This would also be a great head start in thinking about your new year's resolution and come up with a game plan to achieve your resolution. Now that things are coming to an end, think about all the lessons you have learned along the way and all the things you want to do in your life. Come up with the most doable way to achieve all the goals you want to achieve in your life and think about how you're going to get there. I hope you all had a nice relaxing Thanksgiving break. Good luck with the rest of the semester! 

Best- Chloe

(Photo taken from Flickr C.C. 2.0 under username Tommy Ga-Ken Wa)

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